Friday, July 12, 2013


Ooh, look at that bounty! This week was just spectacular.
On team veggie we had:
sugar snap peas
Swiss chard
yellow squash
Thank goodness I only have a half veggie share! There is so much.

Fruitwise we ended up with raspberries, blackberries and a ton of blueberries!

The cheese was burrata which is the Fresehen-Up gum of the cheese world. (More on that later...)

And the bread was something French-ish and delicious.

The basil was stolen from a friend's garden. Well, not stolen, I begged for it. I have no shame!

 Okay, look at that bread! Ignore the bottle of liquor, it will make sense later. There is no resisting that bread!

You can't really see the oil, garlic, Parmesan dip I made, but I can still taste it 22 hours later. It was potent and delicious. We ate it with some wonderful Kalamata olives that I had the good sense to impulse buy last week. Yay me!

When my beloved ball and chain spotted the berries he said, "This can only mean one thing- SANGRIA!" He loves sangria. Now you may need to look away if you really make sangria, but here is my horrible and yet incredibly tasty sangria. Ready? 
1. Dump a bunch of berries in the sangria pitcher.
2. Cover them with a few shots of triple sec.
3. Pour in some red wine.
4. Pour in some sweet tea.
5. Fill a glass with ice.
6. Pour boozy-tea mixture a third of the way up the glass. 
7. Add diet 7-Up to top of glass.
I know, it sounds horrible, like something you would get if Walmart had a bar. But it is yummy and you can drink it all night because it has just enough hooch so that you can taste it but you don't do any real damage to your liver or reputation.

Since I was kind enough to make sangria, I figured that I would trick the family into trying a new vegetable. Hey, I have standards. They are low, but I do have them. Anyway, we have never had anything as exotic as Swiss chard (although we are big fans of the cheese, army knife and steak- just kidding about the steak) so I said it was a kind of spinach and even put it in the empty spinach casket from Market Basket. (Hee, Market Basket spinach casket... so rhymey!)

And it was a huge hit! Along with the other veggies -in the salad of which I did not take a picture. But I did record the chopping as I am wont to do.

This is the Capricious Salad I made. (caprese salad but more whimsical...) I just chop everything up, unlike my idol so it is not as pretty, but it still tastes yummy. Just basil, tomato, balsamic vinegar and what one assumes is mozzarella.

But not quite. When I cut open the burrata, thinking it was garden variety mozzerella, I assumed that there was something terribly, TERRIBLY wrong. It was oozing! It was milky and horrifying.

Turns out it is just "a fresh Italian cheese, made from mozzarella and cream.  The outer shell is solid mozzarella while the inside contains both mozzarella and cream, giving it an unusual, soft texture." according to the fine folks at wikipedia.

Surprise! It looks gross.

But it tastes swell. Oh yeah, I ate it. I ate it UP!

And here are some glamor shots of berries and, well, everything, including some chicken.

Ooh! I forgot the squashes and onion! I cooked them in some olive oil and sprinkled them with garlic powder. I know, I need to get some fresh garlic.

But it was still delicious!

And there you have it. Look at me turning all those fruits and vegetables into food. Well, you know what I mean - food that the fussy processed food loving folks here will eat.


  1. I thought *I* was your salad-making idol! Also, your sangria recipe is making me cry. Not with joy. I am going to make sangria to go with our cucumber 'tinis this Saturday! You'll drink it -- you'll drink it and you'll LOVE IT.

    not your idol



  2. "If Wal-Mart had a bar...!" HAHAHAHAHAH! It can't be that bad - it has SWEET tea in it.

  3. Maybe I meant to say, "If you are in a pinch and have to go to Wal-Mart you might want to fortify yourself with this..."
