Wednesday, June 29, 2016


It was suggested that I offer a fun play-along game on my trip. Well, actually, this began as a pool amongst my co-workers deciding how I was likely to perish on my trip. I thought it would be more fun to make it less death-y and more fun, while maintaining it's moderate terribleness.

So I present to you - Barb's Route 66 Bingo. Let me know if you want a card to play along. There are several of these that are definite gimmees, but hopefully some will never come to pass. Particularly those involving snakes, tornadoes and bears. I could live with a night in the slammer *if necessary.

*i just noticed that I put "get arrested" on here twice. Make of that what you will...


  1. This is classic! Have a fun and safe trip!
    Paula C

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We played license plate bingo when we drove cross country. I've seen all 50 plates, a bunch of canadians, several from Mexico, Guatemala.... it's a fun game!
