Saturday, January 30, 2016

Cheese Rodeo Update

 So these finely dressed gentlemen enjoyed their cheese rodeo. Here are the 5 stages of cheese rodeo.
1. Anticipation - Start planning two months ahead. Anytime you are worried or sad, simply remember the cheese rodeo is going to happen and then you won't feel so bad.
2. Lust -It is going to happen soon. Oh my goodness, it is almost here. I can smell the cheese rodeo from here. 
3. Cheese Rodeo - IT IS HAPPENING NOW!!!
4. Regret - Why did we eat three cartons of Boursin in 5 minutes? What kind of animals are we? I will never poop again. Oh the humanity.
5. Repeat.
(And yes, that Jawa wants to make America great again. Jawas is so stoopid!)
And the best part was I was, briefly, allowed to wear the cheese crown!

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