Thursday, July 7, 2016

Day Two - Springfield IL to St. Louis

Springfield was amazing! I went to one of the best museums I have ever been too, I visited the grave of one of the greatest men to ever walk the planet and most importantly, I VISITED THE BIRTHPLACE OF THE CORNDOG!!!
Yes, that is me at the Lucky Dog Drive-In. Eating a whatever-they-call-a corn-dog. In other news, see that little cup of cheezy sauce? You can get that everywhere! It is fries' best friend. I love the middle west!

This was lunch (between the Lincoln stuff and the frozen custard) but I had to show it first Because when you visit the birthplace of the corn dog, you must open with a giant picture of you holding a corn dog!

After a hearty breakfast of pastry and fruit we were off to the Lincoln Home. This site is run by the National Parks Service and is free. It is a whole little neighborhood that has been preserved. I panoramed the house. Don't worry, it isn't actually coming out at you from the screen. I just haven't mastered the panoram the way I have the selfie. (Brace yourselves...)


 These are a few of my favorite things. First is Lincoln's couch. It looks just like his couch should look. The other is his desk. He wrote the “A house divided cannot stand” at this desk. AT THIS DESK!! It is bad form to faint in Lincoln's pre-presidential bedroom, so I didn't. But damn. He saved America at this desk...

Next up was the Lincoln Library and Museum. Mom had to basically force me to go into the museum. I acquiesced, and am so glad I did! It was beautifully done. I loved it so much that I didn't take a single picture. (I stole this pic of awkward first-date looking Linc and Mary from the internet.) My favorite things were one of President Lincoln's stovepipe hats and the movie about the library. During the library movie mom leaned over and said (in a tone full of disgust) “We aren't in the library, are we??” As if being in a library were such a terrible thing. I regretted every meal I dissected for that woman! (She later begged my forgiveness, we're fine.)

We went to Lincoln's grave on the way out of town. It was very moving. We jumped right on the highway because we were running so late after spending pretty much the whole day in Springfield, making us two for two for days NOT actually on Route 66. But it was totally worth it. And, hey, we are Route 66 adjacent. 

There was no way I was going to miss Chain-of-Rocks Bridge. We drove over a terrifyingly rickety bridge to reach this “too dangerous for cars, but sure, walk across it, if you DARE” bridge. Oh yeah, we accepted the challenge! (Until we got really tired after about 100 feet because it was hot and we are old.)

  But there's always time for selfies!!
That's the mighty Mississip behind me. 

We drove into St. Louis because mom was determined that I see the Arch.

Nice arch.” I said.

And we left.


We went to Ted Drewe's Frozen Custard, which is famous for its concretes. They are like a blizzard, but with frozen custard and amazing mix-ins. I had something with mint and macadamia nuts that was very good. Mom had something with chocolate, raspberries and macadamia nuts that was DIVINE! I kept stealing bites, but since she is gimpy, she couldn't stop me. 

But look! She can hold a small cup of water in her, shall we say, less powerful hand. I was so proud! And while she was flush with success, I stole some more of her concrete.

After the treat, we went to George and Helen's. They are awesome. More about them next time!

1 comment:

  1. Linc and Mary's first date!! I am dying. You are so funny!!!! And look how her spreading skirts gently caress his knee, that minx. "Oh Abie baby..."

    I would have bawled over that desk. Awesome.

