Saturday, February 12, 2011

Watermelon and Tomato Salad

Oh my gosh, it was like summertime in a bowl! I made this last week during a blizzard and it was magical. 

Here is my strange set of ingredients It really seems like one of these things doesn't belong. And it is big and juicy and rhymes with potterfelon. Kind of...

Oh look - watermelon!  So you ball the watermelon and reserve some delicious watermelon juice. Which was kind of hard because this is winter watermelon which means it was grown in a warmer climate and then shipped up here at the expense of the environment. I know it has broadened my carbon footprint to Hummer-like expanses. But I promise not to make it again until summer when I can use local watermelon.

I'm lying...

 Now you take some tomatoes and chop them up. The recipe originally called for grape or cherry tomatoes, but I cooked them up earlier and so was forced to use the regular old kind. But they were delicious. 

Next you add some gorgonzola.

And some scallions.
Then you mixed it together. 
Make the dressing, watermelon juice, and these other ingredients. If you have a hard time getting the extra juice, if you smoosh up some melon it will turn to juice. It's practically a melon made out of water.
Once you add the dressing, you also put in cilantro. If you are the kind of person for whom cilantro tastes like soap, just go back to step one and don't even make this. Because it is perfect with cilantro and I don't want to live in a world where this salad doesn't have cilantro in it. I love cilantro. Even though every time I type it I have to ask spellcheck to fix it for me...

Now the recipe said, don't chill it and serve it within 1 hour of making it. But I am pretty sure that is because it isn't good cold and because the water from which the watermelon is made will make it all soggy. Because I am creative and didn't want to bust a gut eating 4 servings at once I put a vegetable steamer in a bowl and put the salad in it so that it wouldn't stew in its own juice. Then I just put it on the counter a half hour before I was going to eat it and it was room temp and just as spectacular tasting for dinner as it was for lunch.

Here is the recipe, followed by the nutritional info. Enjoy!

Watermelon and Tomato Salad

from the Minimalist at the New York Times.



  1. Combine the watermelon, tomato, cheese, scallions and salt in a bowl.
  2. Whisk or blend together about 2 tablespoons of the watermelon juice, oil, vinegar and cayenne. To serve, dress the salad with this mixture and garnish with cilantro. Do not refrigerate and serve within 30 minutes.

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